Dip Master Protection & Car Services


Is an extremely fast and easy-to-use, specially developed cosmetic. Designed for the maintenance and nourishment of car paints protected with a ceramic coating, as well as a self-sufficient quick detailer to protect cars paintwork. Thanks to the high content of active SiO2, it extends the durability of the existing protection and fills small imperfections of uncoated paintwork, providing an effective and quick protective coating

Usage: Apply on a dry and cleaned surface. Lightly mist the Detailer onto the soft microfiber applicator or directly onto the cars paintwork. Work the solution in a lattice pattern, ensuring even coverage, one panel at a time. Leave the product to cure for no more than 30 seconds, avoid the sun and hot gusts of wind. Buff off with a clean and soft microfiber cloth for maximum shine.

Recommendations: For best results, apply the product in a cool, shaded area and work one panel at a time to ensure that the product does not fully dry.